Hallmarks of cancer

Bob Weinberg’s original list:

  1. sustaining proliferative signaling;
  2. evading growth suppressors;
  3. enabling replicative immortality;
  4. activating invasion and metastasis;
  5. inducing angiogenesis and
  6. resisting cell death.

Expanded set of hallmarks of cancer:

  1. sustaining proliferative signaling;
  2. evading growth suppressors;
  3. avoiding immune destruction
  4. enabling replicative immortality;
  5. tumor-promoting inflammation
  6. activating invasion and metastasis;
  7. inducing angiogenesis
  8. genome instability and mutation
  9. resisting cell death
  10. deregulating cellular energetics


  1. Give examples for each hallmark and how it can be used for developing therapies.
  2. What is the major criticism of such a list of hallmarks in the context of cancer?

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